Pitchers are alone on the mound. They may have their teammates cheering behind them but batter after batter, inning after inning, they control every pitch. The speed, type of pitch and location is their choice. Their physical and mental preparation combined with their love of the game are a vital part of the process.
A support team of family, coaches, teammates and friends are vital at each level and plays an extremely important role in their development as a player, a team member, and an individual. When a pitcher's well-being is the top priority, that support, especially parental support, is a cornerstone of his development.
Parents play an important role in an athlete's development through different levels of competitive play. We provide information that you as a parent, will find useful in your daily support of your athlete. Many of our programs are set up to include the attendance of a parent so that information can be learned and practiced in a supporting environment at home. Whether it is information on mental and emotional conditioning, physical conditioning, or nutrition and diet, we are committed to informing parents, so that they can be an informed support channel for athletes.
The purpose of the Velocity Plus Arm Care Program is simple - to help functionally generate stronger, healthier arms in order to aid individuals in realizing their true potential. Making “how” the program works to increase velocities even simpler - when an athlete's body and arm becomes stronger and healthier, naturally, he or she has the ability to throw the ball harder and with greater velocity.
Dedicated to helping individuals realize their true potential, the Velocity Plus Arm Care Program offers innovative, comprehensive and specialized training techniques to help strengthen the shoulder. This Program provides the ultimate foundation for the future success of the shoulders of our young athletes.
Every Program is personally adapted and tailored to a player's individual needs according to their specific age, stature, schedule, abilities and deficiencies. The Program is science-based and designed to be executed as efficiently as possible, both functionally and mechanically. A "Health First and Performance Second" mentality is our ultimate goal.
It's not uncommon to seek answers by researching information on the internet. First and foremost, we consider it our responsibility to evaluate whether a player is at risk of injury. It's more than just looking at mechanics. It's understanding how the body responds to the activities you choose. The internet offers more misinformation in one environment than anywhere else. Everyone claims to be an authority yet have absolutely no scientific research or medical data to back it up. The National Pitching Association is the only entity backed by the approval of an Independent Review Board (IRB) consisting of members of the sports and medical community. As a parent, it is no longer necessary for you to re-invent the wheel. We have exactly what you want and hundreds of hours of searching, experimenting and bouncing from one place to another will no doubt waste your athletes time and energy and put them at risk of injury because "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."